Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi. During this week, I have been catching up on cataloging and culling photographs from 202 and a few residuals from the past couple of years. During 2019, I embarked on a marathon drive across the county to Florida. On the return, I was close to Vicksburg and not having any schedule of plans, decided to overnight in the town. Touring the battlefield was an interesting experience. One the scene of a siege of the town, which was occupied by southern troops and townspeople surrounded by Union forces; the opposing forces mere meters form each other as they exchanged fire. A peaceful place now in comparison to the carnage and hardship experienced during this battle of the Civil War. Visiting in February, I was almost alone touring the battlefield. Lines of cannon, from both sides stood as a reminder of the event. Ironically, prior to the impromptu visit, I had just finished reading a book accounting in detailing the lives of soldiers and townsfolk (A Chain of Thunder, Jeff Shaara). A much different scene now with the juxtaposition of an elegant East Bluebird peacefully sitting atop the wheel of an almost 160-year-old cannon.
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