What is to Become of KelbyOne?

A real shocker appeared on a Facebook feed yesterday. It began, “Well, due to financially tough times…” Over the past few years, I have subscribed, as have many, to the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), Kelby Training, and, the most recent generation and configuration, KelbyOne. As I continued to read, the author, Phil Collins one of the Photoshop Guys, along with a myriad of others, had been sacked, terminated, sent packing, let go, services no longer needed. The first thing in my mind was what the hell is going on at Kelby? Some of the stable personalities at KelbyOne had been let go. “Let-go” seems such an innocuous term though. For those involved, and those who have been through similar circumstances,  paint the circumstance with and other word you want, it remains the same: Fired. Kelby has been gutted — the major personalities and staples, gone.

I have had a love/hate relationship with KelbyOne. I will admit, Scott Kelby has, perhaps, done more to promote teaching people photography and it digital darkroom, than many others. He had amassed a star-studded assembly of some top names in the photo industry to teach classes — most of the classic and information saturated offerings compiled a few years ago.

My dissatisfaction, or shades of dissatisfaction, began a couple of years ago when NAPP was pulled into the Kelby training site, but retained a certain autonomy in that those offerings so assembled remained as they were on the date of reorganization and transfer — no new content. Considering efficiency, it made no sense to have two similar and somewhat competing sites, managed and created by the same folks, offer two pricing structures at disparity sites at two separate prices — if you wanted the “full-meal-deal” you were required to sign up and subscribe to both. At this point, the problems began with subscriptions, account history information, and reliability. Emails went unanswered — a lot of them. Finally able to connect with a “customer service representative” solved the problem, but after being told that it was my fault and I had selected different options, my frustrations began — and I don’t forget. Not so, I had the original order receipt — proof positive of what the actual subscription order was when placed. So for more than a year, the website displayed that they were “really sorry” that due to circumstances beyond their control, certain parts of the website were not working, but they were working diligently to resolve the issues. A promise was made to those who “remained true and faithful” that the cost of subscription would remain stable and not increase. One now has to wonder, since it no longer shows in one’s account history, will that promise remain or be broken. One is required to make purchase choices based on available information and the interaction of cost and benefit.

Deja Vu: enter KelbyOne website redo 2015. Promoted and advertised to be the best ever with more glitz and robust content, faster. Well, it didn’t occur as advertised. The system crashed, subscribers could not access their server, account history has never materialized. Again, the blame on circumstances beyond their control, but they are working not, stay tuned, they will get it fixed; the best is yet to come. Although many of the difficulties with the new site have been resolved, I find that I prefer previous graphics and browsing better than the current display — personally, I find the current page overbearing and dependent on graphical wizardry that adds nothing to the content of site. I don’t want to wade through pages of graphic bubbles of instructors or courses.

Is the recent gutting of talent a death nell for Kelby Media? I don’t know what the financial situation at the company it, it is privately held. But, on the outside looking in, one had to ask a couple of years ago when one of the staples of Kelby left for another company and into relative obscurity, was there trouble in Photoshop Nirvana? Others picked up the mantle and seemed to carry on without much of a hiccup. But, continual website difficulties that never seemed to be resolved, a less than robust offerings of training videos from less and less known names and resumes in the photography world seemed to indicate a less enticing draw of talent. The latest, and the appropriate amount of spinning was done, was the cessation of the printing of Photoshop User. The magazine is now 100% digital — less costly, no printing costs, but, in my opinion less of a magazine; it’s a digital file. Personally, I prefer a printed magazine, others do as well. The irony is that in a digital world where the hoarding of images, in a digital format only and are never printed, has been bemoaned and the digital age termed a photographically lost generation by those in the hallowed halls of Kelby — a photograph does not live until it is printed. Enter the demise of Photoshop User Magazine — the same thing has occurred, the magazine no longer lives, it is now a series of 1s and 0s. Another indication of financial pressures, perhaps so.

The postings of two very intelligent guys was disturbing and opened a fairly recent wound. I have been through the same — reorganization due to financial pressures. I had much the same feeling as Mr. Collins and Mr, Barker, being layoff as a force reduction handled with sensitivity and class. I admit I was treated well, but I had seen the writing on the wall for some time. As with many at Kelby, I’m sure, I saw \the inevitability and hoped against hope of the coming reality. Regardless, on the chosen day, a Friday, the final verdict was uttered, “I have to let you go.” I guess misery loves company and I was in the company of hundreds of people receiving the same message. But, looking at the Kelby world and drawing similarities during the same period, left me wondering – grand plans of better-than-ever offerings, construction, or buildout, of new and expanded office space, increased travel, less substance, less presence of principle individuals lead to questions of financial viability. Postings from yesterday confirmed there may in fact be a financial hurricane in Florida.

The Kelby site includes an offering “Backstagepass.” This is a short video put together by Mia McCormick within the bowels of the Kelby Headquarters. Ironically, the most recent episode is aired on the same day that the two above named individuals, and the moderator, Ms, McCormick, met their demise at Kelby. all were joking and having a good time for the camera — the ultimate comedy/tragedy, Kabuki Theatre. Interestingly, Mr. Kelby was interviewed as well. At the end of the interview of Kelby by Ms. McCormick, it appeared that he could not get away from her fast enough. I’m sure the sacking of so many was well known by principles of the company at the time of episode filming and all those who appeared, seemingly so happy in their jobs, were sent packing on the very same day — a cruel dichotomous juxtaposition. Following the FB feed postings, one of those released found out just prior to making a very long trip, it seems most likely to a training site, which involved about 20 hours of flight. Additionally, those who had been employed for as long as 15 years and directed graphic design for the company had met their demise as well.

Scanning the internet for additional information revealed nothing. I assume that in the coming days, some substance may appear. Reorganization is nothing new in business. But, watching from the outside at the seeming change in product association, life-style changes and other non-tangible indicators pointed to wonder if Kelby was financially viable and would continue. Reorganization does not salve the impact to personal lives and the lives of their families — hopes, dreams and security dashed. There are many detractors of Kelby and there are many the sing praises of the co-counder Scott and the company. As I was recently told, “we will certainly entertain bringing you back on a contract basis,” so, apparently were those terminated at Kelby told. Beware of this rather hollow and easily uttered promise. After termination, there are no promises. So, the question remains, will Kelby survive, and if so, in what manner and configuration. It will be interesting to see what transpires; the next 30 to 60 days should be telling.

I wish those who received word and endured a fusillade to their lives and security yesterday well. There are, in circumstances like this, endless platitudes offered. While well intentioned, they do little to provide the security of a paycheck and provide basic needs: food, shelter, security and an accustomed way of life built on the reliance of those for whom one works. I have never met any of the folks involved other than to see them on a screen. I have no first-hand knowledge of circumstances other than what has been forward by those directly involved and their rather rare emotion. There are many who, in the heat of emotion, make comments and indications of impending action regarding subscriptions and associations. I will watch what occurs at Kelby, and make my own decisions according to future offerings and value. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong. Have a good weekend.

Fluer_de_Lis (Drop Shadow)

It’s Alive!

images-2Over the last few weeks, my site, or sites,  have been in develop to bring different and dispirit web content into one location. I would     really like to say this has been a pleasant experience, but the days and weeks have been fraught with frustration, anxiety and a reduced follicle count; I can honestly say that it has not been the most pleasant of experiences. I should have anticipated as such; it seems that anything billed as simple, a few clicks of the mouse and voila a successful launch, should be taken with skepticism. Never having really built a website and previously having relied on “ready-made” offerings that were quite easy to negotiate and apply content, I wasn’t ready for the sinking feeling of being lost in the forest of cyber code and unfamiliar funciton. Self hosting turned out to be an animal the likes of which I have not previously experienced.

Hours upon hours spent trying to wrestle menus into submission were rapidly becoming futile — I was ready to trash what progress I had made and return to comfortable ground. If not for a really great support tech at Go Daddy named Joey, who took pity on my plight, I would still be here with a site that was not ready for prime time or most likely returned to previous configurations — a pesky little toggle that I had unwittingly activated and told to do something else was causing the difficulty. Nevertheless, I am up and running, with the exception of the offering of Limited Edition prints on the site. This will be available in the coming days.

As I learn more about the underlying engine that drives the site, you may notice changes, some subtle, some additional, all which I feel provide a better offering. However, in the end (I now understand that there will be no end) the experience has been satisfying and provided a sense of accomplishment — the accomplishment of being successful after engaging something beyond current capabilities and the struggle of climbing a steep learning curve. So, at the moment I am satisfied. Satisfaction however, wanes and is temperary…there will always be more and other elements to tackle.

So, to those who have stuck with me and those who have found this sight…WELCOME!


Over the next while, I will be updating and upgrading my various sites, website, blog, etc. I will attempt to accomplish these changes with as little disruption as possible. This will pull everything, including contact information and commerce into one place to make maintenance, viewing and negotiating various sites easier. Please be patient for the next while and I hope during that time, you still find it worth your time to visit this site as I continue to post new material each week. Thank you to those who visit on a regular basis, follow this blog, and to those who have stumbled on my page by whatever means you arrived; I hope you continue to find the content and images worth your time.

Fluer_de_Lis (Drop Shadow)