

This photograph was taken on the same day as an early posted photograph: Alone. Morning temperatures were hovering around a balmy –20°. We headed out early in search Big Horn Sheep and found ourselves to be the only car on the highway and early enough to place first tracks on the unplowed pavement. Over the course of the morning, we may have seen a couple more cars, but we had the highway on the north side of Hebgen and Earthquake Lakes to ourselves. We, included my wonderful and beautiful wife, who, as usual, turned out to the more intelligent by staying inside the car, on a heated seat and quite warm and comfortable. I, on the other hand was post–holing my way off the side of the road. As my reward, I was able capture this soft, serene exhibition of marshmallow – like softness. Not a mark or track. How fleeting are these experiences; how few… Sit back and enjoy the calm serenity; let it absorb you.

Fluer_de_Lis (Drop Shadow)