Simplicity… A bit of a diversion from that which I normally post. I tend to gravitate toward images of simplicity. For me, competing objects are a distraction and my preference is to have the intended subject dominate the frame. I don’t always accomplish this. Photographing birds and wildlife sometimes requires they be recorded in their, sometimes, messy, less than clean and simple, environments. This lone stalk was a short distance from the American Beaver recently posted and on a relatively pristine expanse of wind and sun eroded snow. Pondering the essence and impact of this lonely seed bearing pillar, the thought emanated that this piece of the environment provided essential life supporting seeds to the birds that occupied this rather harsh place. As Winter Solstice transpires days will begin to get incrementally longer. Perhaps this lone seed offering seems insignificant. But, Nature, in all of her wonder seems to have a plan to sustain and provide for those remaining during the cold clutches of winter.
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