
Common Goldeneye (Bucephala changula) I had been watching this Goldeneye for a couple of days and took note of what I perceived were his movement patterns. To get a clear opportunity for photographing the bird, I decided that I could sneak among the reeds and bulrushes to get a clear shot. There was a small peninsula that would provide an excellent view of the bird’s movements and which I hoped was somewhat solid and would hold me. On the day I decided to venture out, I noticed a large raccoon in the same immediate area that I planned to go through. Raccoons can be a bit temperamental and can routinely defeat a large dog if confronted, so I tentatively made my way through the area while crouched over and careful to hopefully not startle the raccoon. I planned on getting as low as possible going through the reeds and did not want a confrontation — when I reached my selected area, I knew I would either be laying flat or in such a position that I would be at a disadvantage and unable to move quickly should the Raccoon choose to defend his territory. I have no idea where the raccoon went, but from signs in the area, it was a regular visitor and I was probably on his home turf. Successfully negotiating the path to the end of the peninsula, I was able to spend some time observing this bird and its behavior before a car stopped close by and the occupant got out of the car and walked to the edge of the water. I had taken my time to get into my position being careful not to disturb the bird’s behavior, but he took exception to the newly-arrived visitor who chose to stand in full view. He turned and swam farther down the channel out of camera range — my time with the bird abruptly came to an end.


Simplicity… A bit of a diversion from that which I normally post. I tend to gravitate toward images of simplicity. For me, competing objects are a distraction and my preference is to have the intended subject dominate the frame. I don’t always accomplish this. Photographing birds and wildlife sometimes requires they be recorded in their, sometimes, messy, less than clean and simple, environments. This lone stalk was a short distance from the American Beaver recently posted and on a relatively pristine expanse of wind and sun eroded snow. Pondering the essence and impact of this lonely seed bearing pillar, the thought emanated that this piece of the environment provided essential life supporting seeds to the birds that occupied this rather harsh place. As Winter Solstice transpires days will begin to get incrementally longer. Perhaps this lone seed offering seems insignificant. But, Nature, in all of her wonder seems to have a plan to sustain and provide for those remaining during the cold clutches of winter.